1. Name : Dr. A. AMSATH
2. Academic Qualification : M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.
3. Designation :
Associate Professor of Zoology
4. Name of the College & Address :
Khadir Mohideen College,
Adirampattinam- 614 701,
Thanjavur District.
5. Residential Particulars : 6B/2 Ever Gold
Bus Stand,
Adirampattinam-614 701,
Nadu, India
Email :
6. Age & Date of
Birth : 47
Years, 4th March 1965
7. Date of appointment : 31. 12. 1989
8. Teaching Experience (as on 22.10. 2017) : UG : 28 years
PG : 28 years
Guidance Experience (since August 2005) M.
Phil. : 11 years
Guidance Experience (since July 2005) Ph.D. : 12 years
9. Subjects Teaching : UG Level
1. Invertebrata
2. Chordata
3. Cell
Biology and Molecular Biology
4. Developmental Biology
5. Genetics
and Microbiology
6. Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
7. Embryology and Immunology
8. Environmental Biology and
9. Biotechnology
10. Apiculture
1. Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity
2. Biochemistry and Biotechnology
3. Biostatistics and Computer Application
4. Cell and Molecular Biology
5. Fishery Biology and Estuarine Biology
6. Developmental Biology and Immunology
7. Microbiology and Genetics
8. Environmental Biology and Evolution
9. General and Applied Entomology
10. Fishery biology and
11. Coastal Geomorphology
M. Phil. level
1. Research Methodology
2. Recent Trends in Zoology
Teaching and Learning Skills
Guide papers
Ø Research Experience
M. Sc. Dissertation
“Studies on hydrography and domestic pollution problems on the north
bank of river Kaveri” - M. Sc.
Dissertation submitted to the Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirappalli (1987).
M. Phil.
“Toxic effect of distillery effluent on the reproductive processes
of the fresh water mussel, Lammellidens marginalis”–M. Phil. Thesis
submitted to the Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli (1988).
Worked as Junior Project Fellow in integrated Environmental Research
Project on the Kaveri River-Sponsored by Ministry
of Environment and Forests, Government of India, from 10.4.1989 to 30.12.1989
at Department of Zooloy, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli-620020.
Ph. D.
“Studies on the female accessory reproductive glands and behavioural
strategies of the water bug, Sphaerodema rusticum: A potential predator
of mosquito larvae” - Ph. D. Thesis, submitted to the Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli (1999).
Ø Research Papers Published
Amsath, A. (2002). Studies on morphology and histology of the female accessory
reproductive glands of the water bug Sphaerodema rusticum Fabricius
(Heteroptera: Belostomatidae).
Proc. XX Symp. Reprod. Biol.
Comp. Endocrinol., 43-35.
Nalla Mohamed, K. E. N., Shah, D. S. M., Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S. , Raveendran, S. and Amsath, A. 2003. Antifeedant effect of Tridax
procumbens extract on Spodoptera
litur. Proc. Nat. Sem. Cont. Insect Plant
Insecticide, pp: 4-6.
Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S.,
Shah, D. S. M., Nagoor Meeran, K.
Raveendran, S. Amsath, A. and Sivasubramanian, C. 2003. Loss of fecundity and fertility in Gryllodes
sigillatus (Walker) by Ocimum sanctum (Linnaeus) crude leaf extract. Proc. Nat. Sem. Cont. Insect Plant
Insecticide, pp: 17-20.
Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S.,
Nalla Mohamed, K. E. N., Shah, D. S. M.,
Raveendran, S. and Amsath, A.
2003. Effect of some crude leaf extracts on
larval development of Culex
quinquefasciatus (Say), the human filariasis vector. Proc. Nat. Sem. Cont. Insect Plant Insecticide, pp: 27-29.
A. , Nalla Mohamed, K. E. N., Shah, D. S. M., Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S. and Raveendran, S. 2003.
Antifeedant activity of Adathoda
vasica leaf extract in hornworm, Agrious
convolvuli (Lepidoptera). Proc.
Nat. Sem. Cont. Insect Plant Insecticide, pp: 30-32.
Shah, D.S.M., Nalla Mohamed, K.
E. N., Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S., Raveendran, S. and Amsath, A. 2003. Effect of crude leaf alkaloids extracts
of ocimum sanctum and Tridax procumbens on the larval
development of groundnut Pod border, Tribolium
castaneum (Herbst). Proc. Nat.
Sem. Cont. Insect Plant Insecticide, pp: 33-36.
A., Shah, D. S. M.,
Nagoor Meeran, K., Nazir Ahamed,
T. A., Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S. and Sivasubramanian, C. 2003.
Inhibitory action of tulasi (Ocimum
sanctum) leaf extract on oviposition of Black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Noctuidae:
Lepidoptera). Proc. Nat. Sem. Cont. Insect Plant Insecticide, 37-41.
Nalla Mohamed, K. E. N., Shah, D. S. M., Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S. , Nazir Ahamed, T.
A., and Amsath,
A. 2003. Effect
of a juvenoid, eugenol on the prepupal and pupal development of
hornworm, Agrius convolvuli (Lepidoptera). Proc. Nat. Sem. Cont. Insect
Plant Insecticide, 77-79.
9. Veerasamy, M., Ramamurthy, V.,
Raveendran, S., Amsath,
A. and Sathick, O.
2008. Antimicrobial activity of Spirulina platensi and Lyngbya majuscule. Proc.on Envirobiotec.,
10. Amsath, A., Nazir Ahmed, T. A., Raveendran, S., Kumarasamy, P., Muthukumaravel,
K. and Sathick, O. 2008. Studies on
toxic effect organochlorine pesticide, BHC on biochemical constituents of the
estuarine fish, Barbus amphibious. Proc.on Envirobiotec., 56-59.
1. Amsath, A. (2002). Studies on
predatory efficiency of the water stick insect, Ranatra filiformis on mosquito larva, Culex fatigans. J. Exp.
Zool., 6(1): 93-98.
2. Amsath, A., Senthilmurugan, M., Dharani, G. Sivakumar, M. and Subramaniam,
M. (1993). Use of the fresh water
insect, Sphaerodema mollestum in
the evaluation of aquatic pesticide pollution. J. Ecotoxic.
Environ. Monit., 3(1): 41-45.
3. Senthilmurugan,M.,
Rajesekarapandian, A. Amsath, A. and Sayeenathan, R. (1993). Effect of
phosphamidon on body weight, oxygen consumption and heart beat in the fresh
water mussel, Lammellidens marginalis. J. Ecobiol., 6(1): 5-8 .
4. Kavitha, P., Amsath, A.
and Muthukumaravel, K. (2001). Individual and synergistic effects of Endodulfan
and BHC pesticides on biochemical
constituents of aquatic insect, Sphaerodema rusticum. J. Environ.
Poll. 8(2): 201- 203.
5. Amsath, A. (2002). Studies on predatory
efficiency of the water stick insect Ranatra filiformis on mosquito
larva, Culex fatigans. J. Exp. Zool. 6 (1) 93-98.
6. Syed Mohamed Shah, D., Amanulla
Hameed, S. V. A., Raveendran, S. and Amsath,
A. (2003). TBTO induced
alterations in the histomorphology of digestive gland of clam Mactra
violacea. J. Ecotox. Environ. Monit., 3(3): 219-226.
7. Amsath, A. Amanulla Hameed, S. V. A., Kumarasamy, P. and Raveendran, S. 2003. Effect of monocrotophos on physiological and
metabolic processes of the fresh water mussel Lemellidens marginalis. J. Ecol. Biocon., 4(1): 22-26.
8. Savarimuthu, A., Amsath, A.,
Muthukumaravel, K., Mohamed Wahab Khan, M. and Amutha, S., (2004).
Effect of monocrotophos on food utilization and biochemical constituents
of the alimentary canal in the small rice grasshopper, Oxya nitidula (Walker). J.
Exp. Zool. India, 7(2): 307-312.
9. Amutha, S., Amsath, A., Muthukumravel, K. and Savarimuthu, A. (2005). Histopathological
changes in the alimentary canal of the small rice grasshopper, Oxya nitidula (Walker) exposed to
monocrotophos. J. Exp. Zool. India.
10. Amanulla Hameed, S. V. S., Kumarasamy, P., Amsath, A. and
Muthukumaravel, K. 2005. Effect of cadmium on oxygen consumption and
histopathological changes in the gills of Oreochromis
mossambicus. J. Exp. Zool. India, 8(2): 405-410.
11. Muthukumaravel, K., Kumarasamy, P., Amsath A. and Gabriel
Paulraj, M. 2007.Toxic effect of cadmium on the electrophoretic protein
patterns of gill and muscle of Oreochromis
mossambicus. E. J. Chem., 4(2): 284-286.
12. M. Govindarajan, A. Jebanesan,
D. Reetha, A. Amsath, T.
Pushpanathan, K. Samidurai 2008. Antibacterial activity of Acalypha indica L. Eur. Rev.
Med. Pharmacol. Sci., 12 (5): 299-302.
13. Muthukumaravel, K., Amsath, A. and Sukumaran, M. 2008.
Vermicomposting of vegetable wastes using cow dung. E. J. Chem., 5(4): 810-813.
14. Muthukumaravel, K., Murthy, A.,
Kumarasamy, P. and. Amsath, A 2008. Light and scanning electron microscopic evaluation of effects of
copper sulphate on the gill architecture of fresh water fish Oreochromis mossambicus. Poll. Res. 27(4): 715-719.
15. R.Sujatha, A. Amsath, and M. Govindarajan, 2010. Studies on
comparative modeling of 51kda protein from
Plasmodium falciparum.
J. Rec. Sci.
Res., 3:71-76.
16. R.Sujatha,
A. Amsath, and M. Govindarajan, 2010. Ast and alt
ratio in acute Plasmodium vivax infected
patients in Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Cudallore districts of Tamil Nadu,
India. Inter. J. Rec. Sci. Res., 3:69-71.
17. Rajaram T.R., Amsath A. and Vetriselvan. S. 2010. Evaluation
of the clonal relationship of Serratia
marcescens isolates by Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and identify
it’s outbreaks in Government General Hospital at Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu,
India. Int. J.
Pharm. Health Sci., 1(2): 40-44.
18. Rajaram T.R, Amsath A., Vetriselvan. S. and Vignesh.N.A.
2010. Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) as Microbial Vectors for Serratia marcscens in Nosocomial
Infection in Government General Hospital at Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu, India. Int. J. Pharm. Health Sci.,
1(2): 62-67.
19. Senthamilselvan, A., Amsath, A.
and Govindarajan, M. 2010. Effect of sublethal concentration of copper
and lead on some haematological factors of Indian major carp, Catla catla. Int. J. Rec. Sci. Res., 5: 130-133.
20. Senthamilselvan, A., Amsath, A.
and Govindarajan, M. 2010. Copper and lead induced histopathological
alterations in gill and liver of Indian major carp, Catla catla. Int. J. Rec. Sci. Res., 5:134-139.
21. Meena, B., Smith Rose, Jayaraj, S.S., Amsath, A. and
Vincent, S. 2011. Microbial and
haemagglutinins from the serum of estuarine crab Portunus sanguinolentus. Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2011, 3(2): 87-94.
22. Ravichelvan, R., Ravichandran, R. and Amsath,
A. 2011. Isolation and
indentification of fungi fromInfected shrimp Penaeus monodon and their antibiotic sensitivity. J. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Monit., 21 (1) 19‑24.
23. Ravichelvan, R., Ravichandran, R. and Amsath,
A. 2011. Seasonal variations in physico‑chemical
parameters of marine aquafarm at Karanguda,Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu. J. Ecotoxicol. Environ.
Monit. 21 (1) 47‑5 1.
24. Ravichandran, R., Ravichelvan, R. and Amsath, A. 2011.
Effect of sewage water on soil chemical composition. J. Ecotoxicol. Environ.
Monit., 21 (2) 13 1‑136.
25. Govindarajan,
M, Sivakumar R, Amsath A, Niraimathi S.
2011. Mosquito larvicidal properties of Ficus benghalensis L. (Family:
Moraceae) against Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles and Anopheles subpictus Grassi (Diptera: Culicidae). Asian Pac J Trop Med., 4(7):505-9.
M,, R. Sivakumar, A. Amsath
and S. Niraimathi. 2012. Larvicidal
efficacy of botanical extracts against Culex
tritaeniorhynchus Giles and Anopheles
subpictus Grassi (Diptera:Culicidae). Eur. Rev. Med. Pharm. Sci., 16(3):386-92.
Meena, B., Smith rose, Jayaraj, S.S., Amsath,
A. and Vincent, S. 2011.
Microbial and haemagglutinins from the serum of estuarine crab Portunus
sanguinolentus. Rec Res. Sci. Tech., 3(2):87-94.
Kumar, T., Amsath, A., Jayaraj, S.S.
and Ravichelvan, R. 2012. Studies on pathogenic bacteria and
physico-chemical Parameters of Penaeus monodon culture ponds. Int. J.
Phar. Bio Sci., 3(1): 605-609.
Kumar, T., Amsath, A. and Maharajan,
A. 2012. Antibiotic Sensitivity against Isolated Bacteria from Infected
Shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Biotech & Microbio
30. Annalakshmi,
G., Amsath,
A. and Maharajan, A. 2012. " Seasonal changes in
distribution of nutrients in river Cauvery at Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu,
India ", Inventi Impact: Water & Environment, 2012 (1): 39.
31. Annalakshmi, G. and Amsath,
A. 2012. Studies on the hydrobiology of river Cauvery and its tributaries
Arasalar from kumbakonam region (Tamilnadu, India) with reference to
phytoplankton. Int. J. Plant Ani. Env. Sci., 2(2): 37-46.
G. and Amsath, A. 2012. Nutrient status of Arasalar River, a tributary of
Cauvery River at Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu, India. Int. J. Plant Ani. Env.
Sci., 2(2): 214-222.
33. Annalakshmi, G., Amsath, A.
and Maharajan, A. 2012. Seasonal
Changes in Distribution of Nutrients in River Cauvery at Kumbakonam in Tamil
Nadu, India. Inv. Rap. Wat. Env., 1: 1-5.
34. Annalakshmi, G. and Amsath,
A. 2012. An assessment water quality of river Cauvery and its tributaries
Arasalar with reference to physico-chemical parameters at Tanjore Dt Tamil
Nadu, India. Int. J. App. Bio. Phar.
Tech., 3(1):269-279.
35. Annalakshmi, G. and Amsath, A. 2012. Studies on the
hydrobiology of river Cauvery and its tributaries Arasalar from kumbakonam
region (Tamilnadu, India) with reference to zooplankton. Int J. App. Bio. Pharma. Tech., 3(1): 325-336.
36. A. Amsath, 2013. Isolation technique of
bioactive molecules from plants and their applications. Int. J Cur. Trop. Med.
Heal. Res., 1(1): 1-4.
37. M. Govindarajan, M.
Rajeswary and A. Amsath, 2013. Larvicidal properties of Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Family:
Fabaceae) against Culex
tritaeniorhynchus, Aedes albopictus and Anopheles subpictus (Diptera:
Culicidae). Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool.,
1(1): 15-23,
38. Gurumoorthy,
K., Govindarajan M. and Amsath, M.A. 2013.
Predatory behaviour and efficiency of
the water bug Sphaerodema
rusticum on mosquito larvae Culex
quinquefasciatus. Int. J. Pure Appl.
Zool., 1(1): 24-29.
39. Manikandan, C. and Amsath, A. 2013. Antibiotic
susceptibility of bacterial strains isolated from patients with respiratory
tract infections. Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool., 1(1): 61-69.
40. Manikandan, C. and Amsath,
A. 2013. Antimicrobial resistance of enteric pathogens isolated from
children with acute diarrhoea in Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu. Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool., 1(2): 139-145, 2013.
41. Manikandan, C. and Amsath,
A. 2013. Prevalence and distribution of bacteria and fungi isolated from
patients with urinary tract infections in Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India. Int. J.
Pure Appl. Zool., 1(3): 213-222.
42. Manikandan, C. and Amsath,
A. 2013. Isolation and rapid identification of Candida species from the
oral cavity. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.
1 (3): 23-27.
43. Manikandan, C., Amsath,
A. and Prabakaran, P. 2013. Random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR
analysis on bacterial strains from children diarrhea. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci. 2(5): 306-314.
44. Manikandan, C. and Amsath,
A. 2013. Antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial strains isolated from wound
infection patients in Pattukkottai, Tamil Nadu. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.,
2(6): 195-203.
45. Muthukumaravel,K. R. Bose Raja and A. Amsath,
A preliminary investigation of spider fauna in
associated mangroves of Muthupet at Adirampattinam coast, Tamil Nadu, India. Int. J Pure Appl. Zool., 1(4): 304-309, 2013.
46. Narasimhan
Aarthi, James Pitchai, G., Kadarkarai
Murugan, Pari Madhiyazhagan, Thiyagarajan Nataraj, Arjunan Nareshkumar,
Kandasamy Kalimuthu, Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Donald R. Barnard, Hui Wei,
Chandrasekar, R. and Amsath, A., Studies on the effect of
Sida acuta and Vetiveria zizanioides against the malarial vector, Anopheles
stephensi and malarial parasite, Plasmodium
berghei. Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool.,
2(1): 51-60, 2014.
47. Rajeswary, M.,
Govindarajan, M., Murugan, K., Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Donald R. Barnard, Amsath, A., Veerakumar, K. and
Muthukumaran, U., Mosquito ovicidal properties of Ageratina adenophora (Family:
Asteraceae) against filariasis vector, Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera:
Culicidae). Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool.,
2(2): 182-186. 2014.
48. Priya, S. Murugan, K.,
Priya, A., Dinesh, D.,
Panneerselvam, C., Durga Devi, G., Chandramohan,
B., Mahesh Kumar, P., Donald R.
Barnard, Rui-De Xue, Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Nicoletti, M., Chandrasekar, R., Amsath,
A., Bhagooli, R., Hui Wei, 2014. Green synthesis of silver
nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea
and their potential mosquito larvicidal property. Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool., 2(2): 128-137.
49. Murugan, K.,
James Pitchai, G., Madhiyazhagan, P.,
Nataraj, T., Nareshkumar, A., Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Chandrasekar, R., Nicoletti, M., Amsath, A. and
Ranjeet Bhagooli, Larvicidal,
repellent and smoke toxicity effect of neem products against malarial vector,
Anopheles stephensi. Int. J. Pure Appl.
Zool., 2(2): 71-83, 2014.
50. Rajeswary, M.,
Govindarajan, M., Murugan, K.,
Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Donald
R. Barnard, Amsath, A. and Muthukumaran,
U.,. Ovicidal efficacy
of Ageratina adenophora (Family: Asteraceae) against Anopheles stephensi
(Diptera: Culicidae). Int. J. Pure Appl.
Zool., 2(3): 196-199. 2014.
51. Manikandan, C. and Amsath,
A. 2014. Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Escherichia coli isolated from urine samples in Pattukkottai,
Tamilnadu. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.Aplp.Sci.,
3(10): 449-457.
52. Manikandan, C. and Amsath,
A. 2014.
Isolation and Rapid Identification of Candida Species from the Oral Cavity. Elixir Appl. Zool., 66: 20917-20919.
53. Manikandan, C. and Amsath,
A. 2015.
Characterization and susceptibility pattern of Candida species isolated from urine samples in Pattukkottai,
Tamilnadu, India. Int. J.
Pure Appl. Zool., 3(1):
17-23, 2015.
54. Abareethan, M. and Amsath, A. 2015. Characterization
and evaluation of probiotic fish feed. Int.
J. Pure Appl. Zool., 3(2): 1 48-153.
55. Muthukumaravel,
K., Bose Raja1, R., Amsath. A.,
Prabakaran, S. and Chezhian, Y., 2015.
Seasonal variation of dragonflies diversity in Muthupet Mangrove forest, Tamil
Nadu, India. Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool.,
3(2): 188-192.
56. Kalaiyarasan,
S. and Amsath, A. 2015. Ultrastructure of scent glands of soft-furred
field Rat millardia meltada (gray, 1837): An attempt for effective rodent pest
management. Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool.,
3(3): 251-258.
57. Govindarajan, M.,
Rajeswary, M., Hoti, Giovanni Benelli, S.L. and Amsath, A. 2015. Adulticidal activity of Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. and Delonix elata (L.) gamble
(Family: Fabaceae) against the malaria vector Anopheles stephensi (Liston)
(Diptera: Culicidae) . Int. J. Pure Appl.
Zool., 3(3): 274-278.
58. Sugumaran, J.
and , Amsath, A. 2015. Seasonal diversity of
rotifers from Agniyar estuary, Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, India. Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool., 3(4): 287-292.
59. Govindarajan, M.,
Rajeswary, M., Hoti, S.L., Benelli, G., Bhattacharyya, A. Benelli, G. and Amsath, A. 2015. Mosquito repellent activity of Delonix
elata (Fabaceae) leaf and seed
extracts against the primary dengue vector Aedes
aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). ). Int. J. Pure Appl. Zool., 3(4): 312-317
60. Kalaiyarasan,
S. and Amsath, A. 2015. Study on Volatile compounds of flank scent
gland and Behavioural analysis of soft-furred field rat Millardia meltada
(Gray, 1837). Int.
J. Pure Appl. Zool., 3(4): 328-333, 2015.
Ø Publication of text Book/ Manual
Author Name
Title of the Book
Name of
Year of
Dr. N. A. Mohamed Farook
Dr. A. Amsath
Text Book of
WWW Publications
Dr. A. Amsath
Text Book of Basic Biotechnology
Dr. A. Amsath
Manual in M. Sc. Zoology.
Dr. S. Raveendran
Dr. A. Amsath
Manual for II B. Sc. Zoology
Dr. A. Amsath
Text Book of Basic Immunology
Dr. A. Amsath
Text Book of Entomology
Rishan Publications
Dr. A. Amsath
and M.
Lap Lambert
Academic Publishing House, Germany
Dr. A. Amsath
Editor-in -Chief
Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology
2320-9585 (Online) | ISSN: 2320-9577 (Print)
Ø National
1. A paper
titled “Reproductive biology of the fresh water mussel, Lamellidens
marginalis (Lamarck) from river Keveri Tiruchirappalli”- Presented
in a National Seminar held during February 20-22, 1991 at
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
2. A paper
titled “Effect of water pollution and its prevention by people” in
a seminar on People’s participation on Environmental issues,
held during December 19-20, 1992, at Department of Zoology, Jamal Mohamed
College, Tiruchirappalli.
3. Participated
in a National Seminar on Atomic Energy, Ecology and environment on 8th and
9th February 2001 organized by the Environmental Research Laboratory,
Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Jamal Mohamed College,
4. A
paper titled “Growth inhibitory activity of some indigenous plant
extractors in hornworm, Agrious convolvuli” - Presented
in a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on the Control of Insects by
Plant Insecticides held on May 28-29, 2003 at Post Graduate Department
of Zoology, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.
5. Two papers titled
“Sublethal effect of heavy metal cadmium on oxygen consumption and gill
histology of the fresh water mussel Lamellidens marginalis” and
“Toxicity of copper on the physiology of the estuarine Meritrix casta (Chemnits)
at different temperatures” presented in International Symposium on
Environmental Pollution, Ecology and Human Health, held during
July 25-27, 2009, hosted by Department of Zoology, S.V University, Tirupati.
Ø Seminar Organized
1. Organising Member for a state level Seminar on the use of plant extracts as Bio-pesticides
in insect control on 30. 3. 1999, organized by Post Graduate Department of
Zoology, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.
2. Organising
Sectrtary for a two day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on the Control of
Insects by Plant Insecticides: held on May 28-29, 2003 at Post Graduate
Department of Zoology, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.
3. Organizing secretary for UGC sponsored
National Seminar on “Emerging Trends and Challenges in Aquatic
Biotechnology” to be held on 12th and
13th February, 2011 organized by P. G. and Research Department of
Zoology, Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam-614701, Tamil Nadu in
collaboration with Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists (IAAB).
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Designer Vaccine” at Department of Biochemistry, E.G.S.Pillay College, Nagapattinam on 14.08.2006.
- Act as resource persons and delivered a guest lecture on “Health and Hygiene” at the “Inservice Training Programme for Secondary Grade Science Teachers” sponsored by Tamil Nadu Council for Science Technology, Chennai organized by Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam during 4th to 8th January 2010.
- Delivered an invited lecture on “Survey and clinical aspects of leptospirosis” at Department of Zooloy, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli-620020 in the Inauguration of the Zoology Association in connection with Diamond Jubilee Year Celebrations on Friday, 30th July, 2010.
- Delivered an invited lecture in the National Workshop on “Trends and Techniques in Isolation of bioactive molecules” held in the Department of zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar on 1st January, 2013.
- Delivered
an invited lecture on “Global
warming on malaria, dengue and filariasis and human health” in the 3rd International
Congress on “Global Warming on Biodiversity of Insects: Management and
Conservation Strategies (GW-BIMC,
2013)” from 26th to
28th November, 2013 at Department of Zoology
School of Life Sciences, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046.
- Delivered an invited lecture on “The tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon is an indicator of microbial pollution in aquatic environment” at Department of Zooloy, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli-620020 in the Inauguration of the Zoology Association in connection with Diamond Jubilee Year Celebrations on Friday, 30th July, 2010.
- One Day Intercollegiate Seminar on Microbial Pollution in Aquatic Environment.
- Syed Ammal Arts and Science College, Kottampuli, Pullangudi (PO) Ramanathapuram-623 513.
Field of specializations for Reseach work and Guest Lecture
of the Course
of the University/Institution
Cum Orientation for Item Preparation on Test and Evaluation
National Testing Service-India, Reginal Field 7,National College,
Tiruchirappalli-620 001.
30.09.2009 to 02.10.2009
Faculty Development Programme on
“Academic Research and Preparation of Ph.D. Thesis”
Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Vysya College, Salem-636 103
- Acted as Member in Zoology PG Board of Studies of Bharathidasan University. Tirurchirappalli from 2009 to2012.
- Member in Publication Cell of Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.
- Member in Seminar Organizing Committee of Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.
- Member in ENVIRO CLUB of Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.
- Member in Web Designing cell of Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.
- Member in Internal Quality Assurance Cell of NAAC of Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam.